Mihalis Salmatanis
Manager of Business Development, North America
ADI Systems Inc.
Mihalis oversees ADI Systems’ business development activities in North America. He has extensive experience developing, planning, and executing multi-million dollar wastewater treatment and waste-to-energy projects, and has been instrumental in introducing MBR system technologies and advancements to the North American market since 2002. He has presented numerous times at regional workshops on biological wastewater treatment using anaerobic, aerobic, and/or membrane bioreactor processes.
High-Strength Food Processing Wastewater Treatment Using Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (An MBR) Technology
High-strength organic content wastewater with high suspended solids and high fat, oil and grease (FOG) from Ken’s Foods salad dressing and BBQ sauce production plant in Marlborough, MA, USA has been successfully treated for over seven years in ADI Systems’ anaerobic membrane bioreactor (ADI-AnMBR). The system produces a consistent, high-quality effluent with non-detectable TSS concentrations, and has not needed any membrane replacement. Average COD/BOD removals are greater than 99.3% / 99.9%, respectively. The innovative ADI-AnMBR technology is proven to be a stable anaerobic process with a compact footprint that maximizes biogas production.