R.J. Twiford
Sales Manager
Tetra Pak Processing Equipment Inc.
RJ Twiford is the Sales Manager of Filtration Systems at Tetra Pak Processing Systems. RJ has 15 plus years experience selling membrane filtration systems within the dairy industry as well as 5 years selling filtration in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
RJ has a BA degree in Business Administration: Marketing from Augsburg College in Minneapolis MN
Novel Ingredients from Micro Filtration Applications: Case Study with Protein Fractionation
Processing novel dairy ingredients using microfiltration will explore the various membrane applications including the initial MF steps and subsequent UF, NF and RO steps to fully utilize the components of milk in processing new novel dairy ingredients. A protein fractionation mass balance will be presented..The participants will take away a more complete understanding of the filtration steps involved in dairys plant as well as a curiosity for future applications.