Swami Sundaram
Product Manager - Membrane Filtration
Swami Sundaram has been with GEA since 1978 and has been active in the field of Membrane Filtration since the early 1980s when the technology was first introduced in GEA’s portfolio. He has held the positions of Project Engineer, Project Manager, Division Manager, and Vice President in the organization. Currently, he is the global Product manager in GEA for Membrane Filtration. Swami received his degree in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Module and Fundamentals of System Design
Membrane Filtration has found active and widespread applications in several industries – Chemical, Beverage, Dairy, Food, and Pharmaceuticals. The presentation describes various membrane configurations available and the criteria for their proper selection. The basic principles of designing a process plant based on data collected by pilot trials is described. It further explains with examples on how the plants are configured for different modes of operation – Batch, Fed Batch, Multi Stage continuous.